The people who my mom used to work for in France were really nice. The father’s name is Pierre-Yves, the mother’s name is Marie-Luce, and they have four children (one boy and three daughters). I enjoyed hanging out with the boy. At age 13 he was tall enough to be 18! His name is Julien, and he knows a little English and is learning Spanish. Julien, Robby and I slept downstairs while everyone else slept upstairs. We stayed up awhile talking, and it was very interesting. The next day we got a tour from Pierre-Yves of where he works. He works at his winery. He told us how wine is made, where it is put in to ferment, and my parents even got to do a little wine tasting while we drank some of the juice right before it is fermented. We loved it and before we left we bought some wine and juice. The Perrachon Family was very, very hospitable to us and I’m glad we came and visited them.

Then we drove a while and came to a person’s house who is a great friend with both of my parents for a long time. Her name is Mrs. Lisa, and her husband’s name is Mr. Frits. They gave us our own apartment building with everything we need. Then we went to their house and had some magnificent pasta and then talked a while and got to know each other. After that we brushed our teeth and went to bed. The next day we got dressed, ate breakfast and went over to Mrs. Lisa’s and Mr. Frits’ house. They planned that we would go to another market before it closes. I got to go to the market in a Smart Car! Everyone else rode in the van. My Dad went shopping while I went and found a young swan that lost its mom. I hand fed it some chocolate and then when my Dad finished shopping we took a walk, ate some pizza, then went to a massive dam where you can go and bungee jump in the summer time. The very dam I’m talking about, actually, was where James Bond bungee jumped in the movie Golden Eye. We got back to the car, and this time I rode in the van and made it back to the house. When we got to the house, we watched a couple movies on their movie theater, ate some dinner, and then went to sleep. The next day I ate some breakfast and went and saw Mr. Frits’ Mercedes 500 SL, one of the fastest cars in the world! Now we are driving to the air port to go back to America. I don’t really want to leave, but at the same time I can’t wait till I get back to America! See ya later
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