Remember when I said that we said, “See you again” to the Baileys? Well, we weren’t lying. They drove over and we got our huge hiking bags packed up and then we left to the Stanley Reservoir. We hiked and hiked and finally we were at the Stanley Reservoir. We set up camp, I started a fire, and we went around playing tag and staying up late in the pitch black night. We stayed up very late and then when we went in our tents. I stayed up even later reading my Boy Scout book.

The next morning we were running away from Ben because Ben was being a jerk. We climbed up a steep boulder and when I was trying to find an escape route, I tripped and fell. It was very scary and could have killed me if I didn’t fall on a precarious ledge. It hurt me a lot and I could have broken my foot. I puked a couple of times and my eyes went funny (which in my scout book means I went into a small version of shock), and then Dad helped me down. My mom carried my pack, which made me feel really humiliated when we passed a lot of people. When we reached the bottom, my foot was swollen and I was hungry and tired. We went to Subway and then I went home and watched To Kill a Mocking Bird.

On June 26, 2009 we finished school! To celebrate, we brought Clayton and Spencer Bailey to the 3-meter high dive. It was awesome, but the fun wasn’t over yet! We then brought them bowling and ate dinner there. Then my dad dropped them off at their home.
After that exciting day, we went to another pool with tubes and noodles and torpedoes. We stayed there for hours and played with each other. Next we went trail riding on horseback. I had a quarter horse named China who was the youngest and most energetic. He was the best. The stables had fine horses, but they didn’t take the best, finest care of them. My dad’s horse, Clever, wore down her shoe until it actually fell off!
The next day we went to the Royal Gorge. The Royal Gorge is a giant gorge in the earth that was over 1,000 ft. deep. Its deep, chilling gorge made me uncertain. But we went over it in a tram and went to the petting zoo, saw a rare white, not albino, bison, some rams, and elk.
But the fun was yet to begin! We waited in line about an hour. Then they strapped Ben, Sam and me into harnesses, clicked us onto a bungee cord, raised us about 190 ft., and then flung us over the now-1200 ft. gorge!. My ears popped, the wind was whooshing through my hair, and we went back and forth until we didn’t have enough momentum to keep going.
The next day we went to the Galvin’s new home. It is in the Rockies and is big enough for the Besch Family! We stayed there for a while and visited, and then went to the stables where their three horses were. We then walked around a lake, with Sam flirting with Shelby along the way. We also went canoeing, and we went twice as far as we were supposed to. We then went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner, said good bye, and then left.
This morning we went over to the archery range and I found out, thanks to Mr. Doug, that I am a lefty for archery. This is because I am left eye dominant. Then we bought a compound bow from a nice boy named Chase.