After the Bowen’s house we drove over to the Bailey’s new house! It was fantastic! It was enormous! We played at their park for hours until we got hungry and had some wonderful lasagna made by Mrs. Bailey. We then watched the Dark Night, the new batman movie, and then had the sleepover. We told jokes and played together until we were too tired to lift our arm. The next day we played at the park some more. We then went home to meet my mom and dad, said our goodbyes and see you agains, and left. The next day we woke up, got in our fancy clothes, and went to the Air Force Academy Chapel. It was a beautiful chapel and the sermon was great also.

On Father’s Day, we went to Pike’s Peak. It is a 14,010 ft. mountain, and you can drive to the top. It is extraordinarily pleasurable. We saw lots of wildlife. I saw a female mule deer and a raven and hawks and lots of other nature. People even skied at the top of the peak!
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